now, GDPR is perhaps the biggest concern for all Magento merchants,
as the regulation’s deadline is fast approaching. Merchants want to
be up and ready for compliance by the time it is levied by the EU for
good on 25th May 2018. The challenge that this regulation brings is
to align the existing systems and processes with the completely
changed data protection regulatory requirements that it will entail.
As a Magento merchant, you will definitely need to know all about
GDPR and it compliance so that you are geared up for the change well
in time and with the right measures.
does GDPR spell for the future of Magento stores?
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set
of regulations that determine the way personal data of the users can
be captured, stored, and used by businesses. Personal data refers to
any data that can be used for identifying a person; it may range from
basic information to contact details, IP addresses, and more. The
regulation will be implemented in the EU but will also apply to
organizations that use the data of EU residents, regardless of their
location. This implies that Magento
stores all over the globe are likely to fall under the coverage of
GDPR and may need to adhere to the compliance requirements.